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Home Remodeling understands the importance of having an attractive home, with an exterior that displays its value and your pride of ownership. Through Virtual Planning our design staff can show you options and help you select siding, features that enhance the beauty of your home’s exterior. We can help you make a great first impression …from start…to finish.

Through Virtual Planning our design staff can show you options and help you select roofing or other architectural features that enhance the beauty of your home’s exterior. We can help you make a great first impression …from start…to finish.

If you have questions regarding any of the projects below, please call 631 875 4557. 


If you do opt for window and doors replacement, we can help you find the right style and type. Insert replacement doors or windows utilize the frame of the existing window or doors.


They can be installed quickly and economically without having to remove either interior or exterior moldings. Like all replacement windows, insert replacements tilt in for easy washing.


Full-frame replacement often necessitate the removal of moldings, increasing labor.


Their primary advantage is they do not shrink the visible opening the way insert replacements do.


With a full-frame replacement, you may opt to increase or decrease window or door size.


Decks, Fences, Painting, Etc
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